
The Biggest Parenting Lesson I Learned at the Zoo

I get the same thrill seeing animals up close at the zoo like I did when I was a kid.  Anyone who has looked into the eyes of a gorilla or seen the length of a giraffe’s stride a few feet from you understands what I mean. My daughter and I were roaming the zoo

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How to Host a Royal Wedding Viewing Party

I’ve got royal event fever. Between the upcoming baby and wedding, I’ve been daydreaming of tea parties and Pimms cups. As a lover of all things British this is going to be an exciting next few months! If you’re planning the same, I’ve got some inspiration and ideas for you. The Details: The royal wedding

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Easy Homemade Dutch Oven Bread

Growing up my mom had an electric bread-making machine that sat on our counter and it spit out decent bread, yet in the form of a perfect cube.  Outside of that machine, I’d never made homemade bread before. Why had I never made homemade bread before?  Well, generally you come across one or all of

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Storybook Theme Baby Shower

There is something whimsical and magical about losing yourself in a children’s book and joining the world and imagination of your mini me. One of my favorite times of the day is story time with my daughter and waiting to see what books she chooses. For a brief part of my day, I can get

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Our Kitchen Hutch

I love a lot of things about our kitchen.  The floors.  The paint colors.  The natural light. What I don’t love is the lack of cabinets and storage.  The room itself is a nice size but the eastern wall was completely empty.  We considered adding cabinets and another counter top but decided against it for

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Memorable Meals: La Condesa in Austin, TX

This post was originally published on my previous blog, Peanut Butter & Dill Pickles.  I loved it so much, I wanted to share it here too. Sometimes you have a meal and it’s soooo good you can’t stop talking about it, you want to ask for the recipes, and you don’t want to ever get

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That Time We Stayed in a Pottery Barn Catalog…

This post was originally published on my previous blog, Peanut Butter & Dill Pickles.  I loved it so much, I wanted to share it here too.  Since this original post, ownership on the home has changed and so has the interior but if you’re looking for a vacation rental in the Franklin, TN area here’s

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Meze, Tapas, and Street Food…Oh My!

Continuing the culinary adventures of London, I’ve decided small plates are the best thing since sliced bread. Or peanut butter and dill pickles together. I know small plates aren’t a new trend, but this trip was the first time I’d had them several times and it confirmed my love for them. If you’re anything like

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